Balance Rehab Physical therapy in Edison, NJ
Balance — is something most people take for granted. That is until their balance is impaired and they realize just how important it truly is. According to American Bone Health, falling is the most common cause of nonfatal injuries among people 65 and older. In fact, more than 30% of adults in this age group fall each year, making falls the leading cause of death in those 65 or older.
Those are some scary statistics, and that is why it is essential to incorporate balance exercises into your daily routine. Many balance-enhancing activities can be done at home and require small body movements. Sometimes, at-home care is not enough and professional care is needed.
Do I need balance rehab physical therapy?
You may be asking yourself, “What is the balance?” It is the even distribution of weight that allows you to remain steady and upright. Here are some symptoms that signify that you may need to consider therapy:
Feeling lightheaded.
A sense of spinning.
Not feeling steady on your feet.
Still not sure if you have an issue? Try this simple test — but make sure you have someone around you to help prevent a fall. Stand with your feet touching each other and close your eyes. If you find that your body sways or you lose your balance after less than 30 seconds, it may be time to seek balance rehab and physical therapy.
How can balance rehab physical therapy can help
Health Plus Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center, Edison, NJ can help you with your balance rehab physical therapy through balance training exercises in a safe environment. This will help you increase your strength and balance while reducing the risk of serious injury such as a fall. Here are two exercises your balance rehab physical therapy plan may include:
Single leg balancing. This exercise utilizes a chair or stability bar. Once you are stabilized by holding on to the bar or chair, you will alternate lifting one leg at a time. Your goal will be to balance on one leg for approximately one minute.
Heel-to-toe walking. With this exercise, you place your heel directly in front of your toe. Ideally, you will progress to doing this exercise for a minimum of 20 steps without assistance or wobbling.
Are you ready to start your balance rehab physical therapy? Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.